Unpack The Pursuit
Unpack The Pursuit
The Hitchhiking Adventures of Polaroid Pete with Andrew Coconato
We’re diving into Andrew Coconato's adventurous hitchhiking story (plus much more). Andrew Coconato, formally known as Coco, is a curator of good vibes. His life purpose is to be a positive space for love, connection, and self-expression. He wears multiple hats as a director, choreographer, producer, and performer. Everything from flash mobs, short films, and music videos, Coco tells his life story through the characters and worlds that he creates. Today, Coco will share with us his most recent creation, Polaroid Pete.
Find Andrew on Instagram @flaamigo, @twistedoakfilms, and @bobsdanceshop. Do you have a story about entrepreneurship or storytelling? Email us: unpackthepursuit@gmail.com, or say hello to us: @lifeofoscarwao, @natalieonacki & @jadecole.